Basic information about data protection
Purpose Manage the information required by an user +info. (2)
Legitimation Consent of the data +info. (3)
Recipients Processors established outside the UE Community +info. (4)
Rights Access, rectify or cancel the data +info. (5)

Sportcontact belongs to Traveltec, a DMC (Destination Management Company) in Lloret de Mar and Barcelona since 1987 and specialized in organizing holidays in all Spain for foreign travel agencies.

By contacting us you undertake to provide us with valid personal data that will allow the provision of the information requested by VIATGES TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES, SL and its correct identification.

The personal details the user must provide us with are indispensible for sending information.

The absence of this data or its inaccuracy will lead to not be able to send information.

The data provided are stored in a file owned by VIATGES TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES, SL. That complies with the current legislation on data protection and is registered in the registry of the Spanish Agency for data protection.

VIATGES TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES, SL undertakes to fulfil the duty of secrecy of such data, as well as to treat them with confidentiality, assuming the necessary measures to avoid their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, as it is collected In the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the protection of personal data and its other development standards.

(1) Manager

Who is in charge for processing your data?


Address: Avenida de les Alegries 14, 17310 Lloret de Mar-Girona.
Email Addess.:
Data protection manager : Natalia Fleitas
Contact :

(2) Purpose

For which purpose do we treat your personal data?


We inform you that the personal data you provide will be treated in files with the purpose of providing the information requested through the Web form or direct email.

For how long we will keep your data?

The personal data provided will be kept until the deletion is requested by the person concerned.


(3) Legitimation

Which is the legitimation for the treatment of your data?


The legal basis for the processing of your data is the execution of the information you request.

(4) Recipients

To which recipients will your data be communicated to?


No international transfers will be done.

(5) Rights

What are your rights when you provide us your personal data?


The persons concerned have the right to access to their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of the inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.

In some circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only retain them for the purposes of exercising or defending claims.


In some circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, those concerned may object to the processing of their data. VIATGES TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES, SL will stop treating the data, except for legitimate reasons compelling, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

To make use of your rights, write an email to the Data Protection Delegate (section responsible for the file).

(6) Source

How have we obtained your data?


The personal data we deal with in VIATGES TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES, SL come from: Web Form or direct consultation by email.

The categories:

Full Name

Data protected will not be treated.


Access to and use of the website involves express and full acceptance of all of the current terms and conditions for use included in this Legal Notice.

Users agree to use the website, its contents and the services it offers in an appropriate manner. This means using the website according to applicable law and not using it for illegal activities or those contrary to good faith or public order. Therefore, access to this website is free and involves no cost, although SPORT CONTACT reserves the right to limit access to certain contents of the site by requesting the registering of user details.


The contents of this website seek to inform users of all the services of SPORT CONTACT, as a travel agency specialising in offering SPORTS training programmes for students and adults worldwide, whether they are, coaches or teams (professional or otherwise).

Use of the contents of the SPORT CONTACT website to promote, contract or broadcast advertising or information that does not involve TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL. is forbidden.

TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL. is in no way responsible for the information contained in the websites of others that can be accessed through links or search engines on its website. The existence of links, i.e. access to other websites, does not involve the existence of agreements, recommendations, promotions or compliance by TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL. with the entire contents of these websites or with the services or products that may be linked.


The website indicates current prices. The prices are valid at the time of their publication and may be modified by TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL. without prior notice.


TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL. is the owner of this website. All of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the website are legally registered and reserved so that access to the website or its use by users does not infer the granting of any licence for use of or right to any contents thereof. Website users may only make private, personal or professional use of the website contents and use of the website or any of its contents for commercial or illegal purposes is strictly forbidden.

Any total or partial reproduction, modification, distribution, public communication or transformation is forbidden without the express authorisation of TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL. The trade names, brands or distinctive symbols used on the website are registered and protected by law.

TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL shall in way be held responsible for use of the website by third parties and may take any relevant civil or criminal action in the event of breach by the user.


TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on the website at any time without prior notice and without being held responsible in any way for this.


The user of certain services and contents offered by TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL through the website may be governed by certain Specific Terms and Condition that may be added to and/or modify this Legal Notice. If interested, users should carefully read the corresponding Specific Conditions and, in certain cases, accept them before using said services.


TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL is in no way responsible for any technical problems or faults that may arise in computer equipment during internet connection and for any damage that may be caused to third parties due to illegal interference not attributable to TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL.

TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL is also in no way responsible for any damage or loss to users as a result of errors, defects and omissions in the information that TRAVELTEC TOURIST SERVICES SL provides when this is from outside sources.


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